Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Castle (the Fortress not the TV show)

Hi everybody. Recently, I had the chance to visit the Norman Castle at the heart the of Exeter, because, as an American, I love castles and go gaga when I see them. Pictures below...

 While the castle is of Norman design, there are several Anglo-Saxon aspects of the building, among them the design of the windows..

The castle was built by William and the Conquer as a way to demonstrate his new power and hold onto the region. Exeter was a center of resistance against the Normans, so William figured that a large garrison in a giant castle would be enough to keep the population in line. Did it work? William never had to retake the town, but his grandson, King Stephan, eventually had to retake the castle during the rebellion of Baldwin de Redvers. As a testament to the castles strength, it took a three month siege before the garrison surrendered.

Over time, the castle has played many roles. At one point, it was the home to the last witch trial in England...

 I can imagine that their trial went something like this...

Today the castle is home to several gardens that offer a relaxing break from the cities buys shopping district...

In particular, the gardens offer a magnificent view of the city, and help explain why King William decided to build a castle there.

That's all for now. I'm hoping to check out the Royal Albert Museum sometime in the near future and hopefully get out to Dartmoor, but until then here's a picture of a double-decker bus...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Around Town

Hello again! In an effort to put off doing my homework, I figured that now would be a good time to update this blog. Since I've arrived, I've explored (read: got lost) in this town quite a few times and I'm consistently amazed by what I find.  Initially I had pegged Exeter as a sleepy village, and while parts of the town are very quiet and quaint, the city center is actually quite busfy. The large sidewalks and many small stores give the place the feel of a less-crowded Philadelphia. As an American it was quite the site to see familiar names like McDonalds and Subway next to new ones like Wilkinson's and Vodafone.
Another cool aspect of the city is the almost seemless way that the modern city encompasses the ancient, historical sites. For example...

The stone building on the right is one of the oldest churches in Britain, built during the era in which the Roman's still ruled the Island. The early Christian leader St. Boniface is rumored to have attended the church in his youth, and the site survived both the Saxon and Norman invasions. Even more astonishing is that is also survived the ravages of both time and commercialism. If you look to the right of the picture, then you'll notice several shops. The shops aren't just across the sidewalk, the church literally sits in the middle of a shopping center, a testament to an earlier time. Today the church is reguarly visited by tourists, pigeons, and seagulls...

Indeed, Exeter as a town has shown a remarkable ability to adapt the old and new. Just the other day, I stumbled across the ruins of the Norman castle (pictures will be posted soon) while searching for the grocery store. The city's unique mix of continuity and change is truly marvelous, and it shows how the past and presents can both thrive (in this I'm reminded of Springfield's Black Horse Inn, and, of course, the meeting of old and new that is the College of William and Mary). On that note, more pictures!

A typical English street...

Near the Center of Exeter...

Well look at that (not sure if this a reference to the Penn family, or simily referring to the Welsh term for Pennsylvania which, roughly translated, means head woodlands).

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Trip There

Hello again. This is currently day three of my time in Exeter and quite a lot has happened. After leaving Springfield on Friday evening, I arrived in London Heathrow after a 6 hour 50 minute plane ride. Overall, I have to say that the tripe over was pretty decent. The seats, despite being in coach, all had a screen on a back that provided movies, tv shows, and a cool gps function that allowed me to see the plane's progress. Nevertheless, my legs were pretty cramped by the time the plan landed, so I was very happy to get up and stretch my legs. After a quick trip through customs, I took a quick shuttle ride over to London Paddington.
In contrast to the confined seemingly never-ending corridors of London Heathrow, Paddington Train Station was open air and had the pigeons to prove it. The glass roof gave the place a bright atmosphere despite the cloudy skies. After buying my ticket, I set about getting lunch. In retrospect, I should have searched the station for something authentically British, but I was so hungry that I ended up choosing... Burger King, which was the first food stand I saw. Interestingly enough, chicken tenders at UK Burger Kings taste more like the chicken tenders at US McDonald's then US BK chicken tenders. Eventually, it was time for my train to leave from platform 9 (despite my best efforts I failed to find platform 9 3/4 which I'm sure was next to it somewhere). Needless to say the train ride from Paddington to Exeter was breathtaking. The rolling green hills were quite a different site then the trees and cities that I'm used to from riding Amtrak (although in the later's defense the seats on this train weren't nearly as comfortable nor was there free wi-fi). Upon arriving in Exeter, I was greeted by quite the sight...
I know that it's fairly difficult to tell from the picture, but if you look just beyond the tree in the center, you can see the rainbow that stood before me as I steeped off of the platform. Taking this to be a good omen I headed off to the B&B where I had made reservations. Despite getting lost numerous times, and having to lug my suitcase up a fairly steep hill I made it to the bed and breakfast in one piece (just a heads up to anyone going over to England, small towns such as Exeter don't appear to have street signs posted at each street corner like here in America, rather they are posted on the sides of buildings, if at all). The B&B was English in every sense of the word. Friendly staff, fried eggs for breakfast, and rooms named after famous literary characters (I stayed in the Dorian Grey room, it was absolutely Wilde). In contrast to the warm and friendly atmosphere indoors, the outside of the structure resembled a gothic castle...

Complete with a old church and graveyard in the backyard...

After recharging at the B&B for the night of January 12, I set out to Exeter on the 13th. My navigational skills appear to be improving, I only got lost once. After arriving, I've had the good fortune to  met people from Australia, England, New Zealand, Canada, and Mexico, all of whom seem very cool. In addition, I've successfully made it through orientation, and have actually gotten all my classes sorted out in one day. Tomorrow, I don't have any class so I'm hoping to further explore the town and get some more pictures (J.K Rowling who attended Exeter apparently based Diagon Alley off of one of the streets in the town, so I'll do my best to find said area). Thanks for reading, more coming soon.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Little Island that Conquered the World

Hello everyone, in just a few hours I will be on my way to England and the University of Exeter. I'm flying into Heathrow Airport and then taking the train from there, so naturally I don't have any exciting photos or travel stories quite yet. Instead of that, I'll get the ball rolling with a bit of background.
In ancient times, the British Isles had the unfortunate tendency to be invaded... a lot. The Celts, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, and many others all laid claims to the island at one time or another, in many cases permanently settling down on the island. Finally, after William the Conqueror crowned himself king after the Battle of Hastings, the English came together and decided that from then on they weren't going to be invaded anymore. Since, with the exception of several members of the nobility who commandeered foreign armies to lay claim to kingship, no foreign power has conquered the nation, despite many failed attempts (the Spanish Armada, the Nazi Luftwaffe, the Martians in War of the Worlds). Rather, the English decided that, from then on, they would be the ones doing the conquering. While France, Scotland, Ireland, and the Holy Land occupied much of the English's time during the Middle Ages, the age of discovery and the Industrial Revolution brought the English power over Australia, India, parts of North America, the Middle East, large portions of Africa, and parts of East Asia. As the old saying goes, at the height of its power, "the sun never set on the British Empire" while that empire has shrunk considerably since the end of the Second World War, England (as part of the UK) continues to weld significant clout on the global stage, both in regards to its former territories and its, occasionally reluctant, membership in the EU.
But beyond its empire, British (which I understand is different from being English) culture remains a powerful force in the world. In terms of literature, film, and television the cultural lexicon of the world is enriched by characters found in England. In literature, Elizabeth Bennett, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, King Arthur, Oliver Twist, Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, and many others have dominated the discussion. In film and television, Dr. Who, James Bond, and the entire cast of Downton Abbey are just as popular in America as they are in England. In politics, the seeds of democracy were replanted in the Western World when a group of angry nobles forced King John to sign the Magna Carta. From then on, the power of the monarchs began to decrease (King George III is considered to have been the last king to have had any significant political power). Indeed, British political thought helped shaped the course American republic, even as we Americans sought to break the chains that had connected us with "the mother country." John Locke's works were widely read among the Founding Fathers and many of his words found their way into the Declaration of Independence the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was originally written by Locke as "life, liberty, and property."
So naturally, England has a lot to offer, and I can't wait to arrive and start learning all about it. Cheerio!